Bardufoss Hotel and Restaurant
Directions: Bardufoss Hotell is located in the center of Bardufoss, approx. 200 m from the E6. Only 1.5 km from Bardufoss Airport, where SAS has daily departures to/from Oslo. The hotel is located midway between Trømsø and Narvik. Buses to Tromsø, Narvik, Setermoen and Finnsnes stop in Bardufoss Sentrum. Likewise the Airbus to/from Bardufoss Airport.
The hotel's street address is Torget 11, which is next door to Coop Extra and Bardufoss Torgsenter. Bardufoss Hotell is a perfect starting point for experiencing both Tromsø, Narvik and the Senja region by car.
The hotel's street address is Torget 11, which is next door to Coop Extra and Bardufoss Torgsenter. Bardufoss Hotell is a perfect starting point for experiencing both Tromsø, Narvik and the Senja region by car.
GPS coordinates
Coordinates to device
Latitude: 69.0643084
Longitude: 18.5385152
Latitude: 69° 3' 52"
Longitude: 18° 32' 19" |
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