Bardufoss Hotel and Restaurant

Address: Torget 11, 9325 Bardufoss
Location: Målselv
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Directions: Bardufoss Hotell is located in the center of Bardufoss, approx. 200 m from the E6. Only 1.5 km from Bardufoss Airport, where SAS has daily departures to/from Oslo. The hotel is located midway between Trømsø and Narvik. Buses to Tromsø, Narvik, Setermoen and Finnsnes stop in Bardufoss Sentrum. Likewise the Airbus to/from Bardufoss Airport.
The hotel's street address is Torget 11, which is next door to Coop Extra and Bardufoss Torgsenter. Bardufoss Hotell is a perfect starting point for experiencing both Tromsø, Narvik and the Senja region by car.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 69.0643084
Longitude: 18.5385152
Latitude: 69° 3' 52"
Longitude: 18° 32' 19"

Customer service

Book your stay in The Narvik Region online, or contact us on phone +47 769 65 600, or send us an email: [email protected] for assistance.

We are available Monday to Sunday from 10:00 - 16:00. The office is closed on official holidays.

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Official travel portal for The Narvik Region

  • Offer the largest selection of offers in Narvik.
  • Secure payment online.
  • No booking fees.

Customer service

Book your stay in The Narvik Region online, or contact us on phone +47 769 65 600, or send us an email: [email protected] for assistance.

We are available Monday to Sunday from 10:00 - 16:00. The office is closed on official holidays.

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Official travel portal for The Narvik Region

  • Offer the largest selection of offers in Narvik.
  • Secure payment online.
  • No booking fees.
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