Myklevold bakerikafé Ballangen
Myklevold bakerikafé Ballangen

Myklevold baker´s café Ballangen

From Narvik´s only local baker selling freshly handmade bread and other baked goods made in stone ovens, delicious, sweet pastries made by our confectioners and filled baguettes, rolls and croissants as lunch food.

We offer a large selection of handmade bread and bakery goods, filled baguettes, rolls and croissants. A numerous variety of lunch food.

Myklevold dates back to 1939 with great grandfather Johan Myklevold who started his handcrafted bakery in Ballangen. Until this day we keep his spirit of genuine sustainability of the handcraft and some of his recipes alive although we develop our business to meet the future demands of baked goods.

Contact information


  • 21 January 08:00
  • 22 January 08:00
  • 22 January 08:00
  • 23 January 08:00
  • 24 January 08:00
  • 25 January 09:00
  • 27 January 08:00
  • 28 January 08:00

Product attributes

  • Local Living
