Arctic Kids


Visit Narvik's strategy 2030

  • Visit Narviks vision is "Best of the Arctic". We would like to offer the best Arctic experiences to our preferred customers.
  • Our main goal is to increase the value creation in the entire region, with sub-goals of growth in the number of year-round jobs as well as new establishments in the tourism industry.
  • Our focus areas are marketing, attraction development and packaging, distribution and sales, and competence development.
  • Visit Narvik's purpose is, through joint measures, to contribute to the sustainable growth and development of the experience industry in the Narvik region.

Master plan for Narvik as a destination

Narvik as a destination has structured the development of the tourism industry through Master Plans since 2003. The initial plans were implemented with measures in 2004 and evaluated in 2008/09, but at that time, the most costly measures in the revised plan were not funded. Following the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, Narvik obtaining the status of a "Sustainable Destination," and the municipal merger in 2020, are the reasons for the revision of the Master Plan for the Narvik region. This revised Master Plan encompasses Narvik, Gratangen, Lavangen, and Bardu municipalities. Throughout the process of revising the plan, there has been a consistent approach of "transitioning from facilitation to harvesting." This is understood as recognizing the need for increased year-round traffic in the region's industry, and through the Master Plan, facilitating this within the framework of sustainable tourism development. The process of revising the Master Plan for the Narvik region has been inclusive, involving business actors, residents, and other stakeholders who have been consulted and provided input throughout the process.

The new Master plan "Narvik 2035" can be downloaded here.

The Master plan from 2003 is here.

Strategic Business Development Plan for Narvik and Ofoten 2018-2022

  • Narvik municipality has had a joint strategic business development plan with the municipalities in Ofoten since 2006.
  • Vision: A high-growth region with an attractive city.
  • Main goal: Creating new activity and industry that increases the number of employees and residents in the region.
  • Priority investment areas for Ofoten in the period 2018 - 2022 are:
    • Green transport, logistics and infrastructure
    • The Norwegian Armed Forces presence in Ofoten
    • Tourism
    • Aquaculture
    • Renewable energy/power
Please note; The linked plans and reports are only in Norwegian - we regret the inconvenience.