


Digital imprints Visit Narvik measures all digital imprints on and on our social media channels. We measure website traffic and the results of social media promotions.

This is shared with our members, and will give a good insight to what kind of content creates most engagement and what kind of needs the market has. This will help further development within activity, communication and content production.

Guest insight

Through communication with guests, physically, digitally, and through guest surveys, we will get a good insight into their informational needs, expectations and feedback on improvements. In facilitated meeting places, the parties can share expertise about the accommodations and core history of the region. We will present insights, news and useful information to the participants.

Traffic and guest statistics

Visit Narvik collects relevant and available statistics from Statistics Norway, and monitors the official statistics relevant to our region.


Member surveys
We will conduct surveys to gain insight into the status, activities and needs of our members, guests and the local population. The insights gained through these surveys will be presented and form the basis for our deliveries and activities.

Dialoque meetings
Dialogue meetings will be held with the various branches within the tourism industry in Narvik. This is done to map different needs with the different categories of members. The input will be important when we make market prioritization, plan the coming years' activities, and in the development of our membership offers.